My MacBook Pro 17″ (2.2GHz Intel i7, AMD Radeon HD 6750M, 16GB RAM) has been replaced by a new MacBook Pro 16″ (Apple M1 Pro, 10-core CPU, 16-core GPU, 32GB RAM). While the old Intel MacBook Pro has served me well for over 10 years, it has been fixed (free!) three times for the dreaded overheating graphics card....
unconventional magnetic recording
Given the previous posts on magnetic recording, we are now in the position to look at unconventional magnetic recording. In other words, instead of applying a write field of sufficient strength to switch magnetic grains, we look at other ways to switch a magnetic grain. This has become to be known as “energy assist magnetic recording”. In future recording systems this will be required since there is a limit on the applied field one can produce in a small area....
ProDice for iOS
We are pleased to announce an update for ProDice (v1.1)! ...
on modeling infection
Compartmental models are often used to simplify the mathematical modeling of infectious disease. The population is split into compartments and it is assumed each individual in a compartment has the same characteristics. While this may appear to be rather crude, such models have shown to accurately model previous infectious outbreaks[1]....
ProDice for iOS
We are happy to announce ProDice available at the App Store....