How to modify TCC on macOS via command line


This post uses macOS Ventura 13.4.1 and Terminal has been granted Full Disk Access permission.

To provide transparency, consent and control (TCC), macOS uses various systems for controlling permissions according to the user. For example, on Ventura’s Privacy section in System Settings…>Privacy & Security section

Ventura’s System Settings>Privacy & Security>Privacy section

Selecting any of these Privacy options, say Full Disk Access, show

Ventura’s System Settings…>Privacy & Security>Privacy>Full Disk Access example

These various options are typically updated when an application requires access to some resource (such as the microphone, camera, file, etc.) or action (automation, accessibility, etc.). If you chose not to grant permission you can do that when the application first asks for permission or by manually turning off access in these various sections. TCC handles many of these cases by using two sqlite3 databases: /Library/Application\ Support/ and ~/Library/Application\ Support/ (please note the space in the path).

/Library/Application\ Support/ requires SIP to be turned off in order to modify it. Let us look at the common schema of these databases. NOTE: For the below Terminal commands to work, Terminal must be granted Full Disk Access.

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/
SQLite version 3.39.5 2022-10-14 20:58:05
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE policies (    id        INTEGER    NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,     bundle_id    TEXT    NOT NULL,     uuid        TEXT    NOT NULL,     display        TEXT    NOT NULL,     UNIQUE (bundle_id, uuid));
CREATE TABLE active_policy (    client        TEXT    NOT NULL,     client_type    INTEGER    NOT NULL,     policy_id    INTEGER NOT NULL,     PRIMARY KEY (client, client_type),     FOREIGN KEY (policy_id) REFERENCES policies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);
CREATE TABLE access (    service        TEXT        NOT NULL,     client         TEXT        NOT NULL,     client_type    INTEGER     NOT NULL,     auth_value     INTEGER     NOT NULL,     auth_reason    INTEGER     NOT NULL,     auth_version   INTEGER     NOT NULL,     csreq          BLOB,     policy_id      INTEGER,     indirect_object_identifier_type    INTEGER,     indirect_object_identifier         TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNUSED',     indirect_object_code_identity      BLOB,     flags          INTEGER,     last_modified  INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT (CAST(strftime('%s','now') AS INTEGER)),     PRIMARY KEY (service, client, client_type, indirect_object_identifier),    FOREIGN KEY (policy_id) REFERENCES policies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);
CREATE TABLE access_overrides (    service        TEXT    NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
CREATE TABLE expired (    service        TEXT        NOT NULL,     client         TEXT        NOT NULL,     client_type    INTEGER     NOT NULL,     csreq          BLOB,     last_modified  INTEGER     NOT NULL ,     expired_at     INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT (CAST(strftime('%s','now') AS INTEGER)),     PRIMARY KEY (service, client, client_type));
CREATE INDEX active_policy_id ON active_policy(policy_id);

Turns out we are concerned with TABLE access (after cleaning it up a bit):

CREATE TABLE access (service TEXT, client TEXT, client_type INTEGERL, auth_value INTEGER, auth_reason INTEGER, auth_version INTEGER, 
                     csreq BLOB, policy_id INTEGER, indirect_object_identifier_type INTEGER, indirect_object_identifier TEXT, 
                     indirect_object_code_identity BLOB, flags INTEGER, last_modified INTEGER, ... )

Of these, service, client, and auth_value is the type of permission, application and if the permission is being enforced (value of 2) or not (value of 0). If client_type is 0, then client is an application BundleID otherwise it is 1 and is a fully resolved path to the application executable. So let’s list all the applications that have Full Disk Access:

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 'SELECT client FROM access WHERE auth_value AND service = "kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles"'
% sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ 'SELECT client FROM access WHERE auth_value AND service = "kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles"' 

For me, only the System level TCC.db has these permissions stored. Let’s see how many entries in total for each:

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM access WHERE auth_value"    
% sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM access WHERE auth_value" 

So most of the information is stored under the local user, namely ~/Library/Application\ Support/ By parsing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Resources/Localizable.loctable with plutil and similarly applying strings to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Support/tccd, it appears we have the following services (not an exhaustive list):

kTCCServiceAddressBookclient would like to access your contacts.
kTCCServiceAppleEventsclient wants access to control indirect_object_identifier. Allowing control will provide access to documents and data in indirect_object_identifier, and to perform actions within that app.
kTCCServiceBluetoothAlwaysclient would like to use Bluetooth.
kTCCServiceCalendarclient would like to access your calendar.
kTCCServiceCameraclient would like to access the camera.
kTCCServiceContactsFullclient would like to access all of your contacts information.
kTCCServiceContactsLimitedclient would like to access your contacts basic information.
kTCCServiceFileProviderDomainclient wants to access files managed by indirect_object_identifier.
kTCCServiceFileProviderPresenceDo you want to allow client to see when you are using files managed by it? It will see which applications are used to access files and whether you are actively using them. It will not see when files that are not managed by it are accessed.
kTCCServiceFocusStatusAllow client to share that you have notifications silenced when using Focus?
kTCCServiceGameCenterFriendsAllow client to connect you with your Game Center friends?
kTCCServiceLocationclient would like to use your current location.
kTCCServiceMediaLibraryclient would like to access Apple Music, your music and video activity, and your media library.
kTCCServiceMicrophoneclient would like to access the microphone.
kTCCServiceMotionclient would like to access your Motion & Fitness Activity.
kTCCServicePhotosclient would like to access your Photos
kTCCServicePhotosAddclient would like to add to your Photos
kTCCServicePrototype3Rightsclient would like authorization to Test Service Proto3Right.
kTCCServicePrototype4Rightsclient would like authorization to Test Service Proto4Right.
kTCCServiceRemindersclient would like to access your reminders.
kTCCServiceScreenCaptureclient would like to capture the contents of the system display.
kTCCServiceSiriWould you like to use client with Siri?
kTCCServiceSpeechRecognitionclient would like to access Speech Recognition.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAppBundlesclient would like to modify apps on your Mac.
kTCCServiceAccessibilityclient would like Full Disk Access
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyDesktopFolderclient would like to access files in your Desktop folder.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyDeveloperFilesclient would like to access a file used in Software Development.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyDocumentsFolderclient would like to access files in your Documents folder.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyDownloadsFolderclient would like to access files in your Downloads folder.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyNetworkVolumesclient would like to access files on a network volume.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicyRemovableVolumesclient would like to access files on a removable volume.
kTCCServiceSystemPolicySysAdminFilesclient would like to administer your computer. Administration can include modifying passwords, networking, and system settings.
kTCCServiceUserAvailabilityclient would like to access your Availability
kTCCServiceWebBrowserPublicKeyCredentialWould you like to allow client to access and use your saved passkeys?
kTCCServiceWillowclient would like to access your Home data.
kTCCServiceAccessibilityAllows client to control computer
kTCCServicePostEventAllows client to send keystrokes
kTCCServiceListenEventAllows client to monitor of your keyboard
kTCCServiceDeveloperToolAllows client to run software locally that do not meet the system’s security policy
Services available for TCC

And client is typically the BundleID for an application. For any application, codesign will work while lsappinfo only works for running apps:

% codesign -dr - /Applications/ | awk -F \" '{print $2}' 
% lsappinfo info -only bundleID Finder                                         

where com.parker9.DIM-4 and would be the client for DIM and Finder, respectively. Let’s find all applications that can control other applications:

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 'SELECT client,indirect_object_identifier FROM access WHERE auth_value AND service = "kTCCServiceAppleEvents"' | sed 's/|/  :  /'
/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/authtrampoline  :  :  :  com.perforce.p4merge
com.parker9.DIM-4  :
org.videolan.vlc  :

Let’s look for all entries for client com.parker9.DIM-4

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 'SELECT service FROM access WHERE auth_value AND client IS "com.parker9.DIM-4"' 

We can either disallow a permission or delete one or all permissions granted to com.parker9.DIM-4:

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 'UPDATE access SET auth_value = "0" WHERE auth_value AND client IS "com.parker9.DIM-4"'  # to disallow service (toggle UI element)
% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "DELETE FROM access WHERE client IS 'com.parker9.DIM-4' AND service IS 'kTCCServiceAppleEvents'"  # to delete this service only
% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "DELETE FROM access WHERE client IS 'com.parker9.DIM-4'"  # delete all services for this app

If you choose the first option, then to reverse the change, you simply set auth_value to 2 instead of 0. Adding an entry is a bit more involved since for it to show up in System Settings…>Privacy & Security we need to have non-default values in the various columns and in particular csreq blob (and possibly indirect_object_code_identity blob). It is not too difficult to find this blob for any given application:

% codesign -dr - /Applications/  2>&1 | awk -F ' => ' '/designated/{print $2}' | csreq -r- -b /tmp/csreq.bin 
% echo "'$(xxd -p /tmp/csreq.bin  | tr -d '\n')'"
% codesign -dr - /System/Library/CoreServices/  2>&1 | awk -F ' => ' '/designated/{print $2}' | csreq -r- -b /tmp/csreq.bin 
% echo "'$(xxd -p /tmp/csreq.bin  | tr -d '\n')'"
'fade0c000000002c00000001000000060000000200000010636f6d2e6170706c652e66696e64657200000003'                                                                                                                                                                                                %

And so to add back the permission we would do

% sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceAppleEvents','com.parker9.DIM-4',0,2,4,1,'fade0c00000000c00000000100000006000000060000000f0000000200000011636f6d2e7061726b6572392e44494d2d34000000000000070000000e000000000000000a2a864886f7636406010900000000000000000006000000060000000e000000010000000a2a864886f763640602060000000000000000000e000000000000000a2a864886f7636406010d0000000000000000000b000000000000000a7375626a6563742e4f550000000000010000000a584a395a4c344b59564e0000',NULL,0,'','fade0c000000002c00000001000000060000000200000010636f6d2e6170706c652e66696e64657200000003',0,0)"

(yes, that is all one line).

If you know sqlite commands, you can do many interesting queries and modifications to the TCC database. Of course, one should be careful if modifying since it can cause problems. It may be best to make backup of the TCC.db file before modifying it. Or use Time Machine if you run into problems.

Finally, it should be pointed out that all of the above is not documented by Apple and therefore is subject to change without notice. User beware.

An Apple approved way of controlling TCC from the command line is tccutil. The only command tccutil understands is reset followed by a service or ALL with an optional BundleID (man tccutil is your friend). This command essentially just sets auth_value to zero and so when an application requires that service, macOS will throw up a dialog confirming you wish to grant permission.

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