Introduction to ProDice

ProDice is intended to be a replacement for six sided dice. Hopefully you will find it easier to use than real dice.

Tapping the Table will drop the dice. Swiping the Table will throw the dice. The faster the swipe, the stronger the throw. A more curvy swipe will spin the dice more.

Dice Actions allow you to Throw one die, Remove one die, Select dice or Keep dice (see "Settings Menu"). Pretty much everything you can do with physical dice.

You can also move the dice around on the Table, though there is no need to.

Does ProDice throw fair dice? Well, the dice are given a random orientation, random velocity and random spin when they are thrown (completely independent of their last value). If a swipe invoked the throw then the dice will also be thrown in the direction of the swipe with a speed proportional to the swipe speed. The throw itself follows physics (well, physics according to Apple) so the final results depend on both pseudo-random numbers (for the initial conditions) and the physics of the dice interacting with themselves and the environment. In theory, this should approximate true randomness. Having ProDice throw 100s of thousands of dice, we've found no statistical evidence of unfair dice.

The Table
